Tuesday, October 12, 2010

As time goes by

The last ten or so weeks have been a rollercoaster for my family, in it's many different forms and ways. Maybe one day I'll write about it in full somewhere, but for now, please pray, if that's what you do. God knows what is going on and if you could just say my name to him that would be great.

Thank you to every single person who has already prayed with me or for my mum and dad, who I'm missing so much already. Your support is invaulable and of the highest praise, so please, if I don't thank you personally, take this as some way towards a thank you. It is times like these when I know I couldn't do things on my own.

I thank God for you.


Anonymous said...

praying for you .. God bless u..

M Nurman said...

Hi there, came across a nice blog to share and I just followed you, will you please visit, follow and comment on mine too, thanks

Best wishes