Friday, September 23, 2011

World's Most Dangerous Road

Whilst I have been preparing pathfinders for Sunday, I have also been watching World's Most Dangerous Roads.

I am not the adventuring type - armchair adventure is as close as I get to getting on a plane and flying to the middle of nowhere! It's a good series though - good mix of 'celebrities' taking part in doing stupid things, so that I don't have to!

I'm still carrying on with Bible in One Year - we're just a week away from being one month in - it seems like I have been reading for a lot longer than that!

1 comment:

BK said...

It is funny that you mention that you are almost a month in to your Bible in a Year reading plan. I know that this was posted a few days ago, but i was just about to post how I just finished up day number thirty of my 90 Day Read through the Bible. As always, I enjoy your blog and God Bless!