Thursday, April 13, 2006


I have calmed down since yesterday, kind of. I've got another application form to fill in today to send before the 4th May. It's actually in Kent this time. Deal. Umm...I'm going to read the job description and fill in the application form.

I watched a programme last night that ended rather sadly and felt biased against young Christian couples. It was called Teens that tie the knot. I'm not sure if it was a one-off but when the final couple were introduced as committed Christians I was interested. Simon and Sarah had decided to abstain from everything before they got married. The programme was divided between three couples, the first couple who were madly in love and both 17 (and she was four months pregnant when they got married), the secound couple had a huge age difference and the final couple were, as I said, Christians with a 2 year age gap. It followed the before, during and after, from dating to marriage. The funny thing was that none of the mothers approved of the weddings, their daughters were to young, inexperienced and it wouldn't work out because of various factors.

For the Christian couple it didn't work. They struggled from the week they got married and seperated after filming finished. I don't know why, but there were things I could see that make me ask questions about my own relationship as I head towards marriage! Maybe even questions for myself that I haven't thought about since the start of my degree, like where do I see myself in five years? And all about my future.

Still through all of this I know that God is there looking over me, looking after me!

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