Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Strange goings on

There's a lot of weird stuff going on at the moment. I've just found out that a copy of my exam paper has gone missing in the post somewhere between here and cheltenham. Thanks to my lecturer for following up when he didn't hear anything from me for a month - show you care mate!!
My Dad and Mum went to see Spamalot last night, which for Monty Python fans is its own brand of weirdness really. My mum liked it so I'm on to a winner with sending them into london to do something!! (am I right Dad?)
I figurd out the word I wanted yesterday but didn't get in time - chalice, and I'm not even sure if its right! Trev and I will be helping with communion in december, so I think I'm using the right word.
Other than that, I'm having some worrying dreams at the moment and generally not sleeping well. I have been asked to compere The Jam on Sunday, with Trev, so that should be fun, if not slightly stressful. I love standing up in front of large groups of people when its well prepared and I know the jist of what I'm saying. Reminds me of the time I lead the 11-14's work at spring harvest for one night, I didn't really have a clue, but felt incredibly blessed by the end of it!
Onwards and upwards, I have to figure out how to get the internet at home!

1 comment:

Pete said...

Yes, Mum liked it - much to my (and her) surprise!
Chalice is a good word. It'll be less confusing than grail.
Arthur: "Your grail is inside you"
Servant: "What someone's swallowed the grail!"
The new lines weren't as funny as the original but they were funny - and easier to understand.
I saw the glove puppet of the rabbit, and really wanted to use it at the family service! (Oh well perhaps not!)