Thursday, November 30, 2006


I have just done the one thing Rob Bell says he never does - I googled my name - firstly Liz Fisher and then Elizabeth Fisher, and found a lot of interesting websites - none awful, but all of ladies with the same name, doing things I have always wanted to do. How scary is that? I found a family tree website, an art critics website and various University lecturers have the same name. Fortunately I haven't come across anything about me.

But hopefully if I mention my own name enough I might come across myself some day!! How vain am I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Googling my name finds me in three of the first page items which is a little scary (my myspace, a comment I made on the BBC website and a post to a mailing list).
Have you tried google imaging yourself? If I do that with my married name nothing relates to me, but if I do it with my maiden name all but the last pic are something to do with me!! Argh!