Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Year

Yes, its a time that we're supposed to feel refreshed and happy that yet another year has passed...

But I guess that Monday morning feeling has already hit me, so I'm not in a jovial mood as I could be.

The new year is always accentuated by my brother's birthday - this year he turned 21, so it's super special. I've been out with his friends to celebrate, and out with close 'family' for lunch. He seemed to enjoy it and thought it was rather tame - until his friends reminded him that they're spending two nights in a hunted wood in Kent. Boy, how I'm praying for all of them and hoping that no-one comes home sick from being out in the cold. They are going to have immense amounts of fun...but I can't help worrying..hence why I'm going to work.

On other things...the pub we ate in on Saturday was alright, but the chocolate pudding didn't taste chocolatey enough and we probably won't go there again - my steak was tough and a few other things weren't up to standard...

Sunday 20th Jan is my chance to show Christ Church what I'm made of and what is going through my head, I'm speaking and I've almost got my talk finished, props are all but printed and the facebook event has been created...check me with my internet know-how! I'm looking forward to it, even if all of my friends are going to be heckling me! I just have to practice and get my ending sorted.

Work tomorrow and the day my line manager comes back from holiday, here's hoping she's happy! (see what I mean about Monday morning!)

1 comment:

Pete said...

Name and Shame!