Monday, November 21, 2005

Chocolate spread, amongst other things!

Someone is stealing my chocolate spread... I thought I was safe, I was sure no-one else likes the stuff in my house, and generally people ask if they want something, but no. Someone has taken some and not owned up. I know I am unnecessarily stressing, but it is a luxury and I have lived with these girls for at least two years. I'm not angry, just upset that they didn't ask first.

It's all good otherwise. I keep getting asked what it's like to be engaged. It's like being asked how it feels to be older on the day of your birthday. I don't feel any different, because I've always felt like this. Ok happier than I've ever been before, but then I've felt that way since I started going out with Henry. So yeah, it's like normal.

I'm watching Taming of the Shrew, very good!

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