Friday, February 03, 2006

Torn in half

Have you ever felt so divided you wish you could be in two places at once? Or even more than that? How about wishing that your brain could work on its own, while you had fun?

Thats how I feel. I'm elated that I've spent so much time with Helen and that I got the chance to share with a youth group who listen to my profoundness! I'm also elated that Henry is going to be here very soon.

Two 'buts' - I have been given a date for an interview at Lincoln, its the 4th May, which is too close to my dissertation deadline for me to even give it a second thought. Do universities think that third years have nothing to do 4 weeks before exams start? Hello! Its frustrating, but there is nothing I can do, other than decline or risk it, and I'm not a girl of risk. The other thing is my diss. I have loads to do for it. Nuff sed!

Anybody got a solution? Something that stretches time or gives me a change to enhance my brain power and typing skills (after all you're only as fast as your fingers!)


Pete said...

Its called planning! Plan to have your dis done before you go to the interview!! Set you self a firm deadline - it can be done.

Karen said...

I'm in agreement with Dad. You have enough time to go for it and spend the time on the train relaxing for a little bit.

I went up to Kidderminster before my last week of exams... God is very good to you if you take part in plans he has.