Thursday, November 23, 2006

Not a lot going on!

Well for me at least, being super organised has its downfalls too.
I spent yesterday with Mary, who was down from Norwich for a few days. We went to the Student meal, which has come on in leaps and bounds since I was last there, we've started doing a Bible study now, which fits better with where we are. We're still hearing from other people in the church along side this though. We had pie for dessert, which was the cheapest thing in the world to do - thank you Sainsburys! Mary left this morning after staying the night. It's been brilliant to see her and my other friend - James, who has a mind very similar to Rob Bell, in capacity!
I'm looking forward to Christmas now, I'm going to be at home with people who are on my wavelength and understand what is going on in my life. I just have to do all of the shopping to go with it! Woop! Is saturday a good day to start?


Anonymous said...

No saturdays are bad days for shopping! I don't know if Bristol is similar to Brighton, but on a Saturday, particularly in the run up to Christmas, you can barely move in town!

Helen said...

She's right, ur braver than me!
But we must do something similar when i visit Bristol!
btw have you two met yet?!

Anonymous said...

Nope we haven't!!