Monday, January 23, 2006

Nervous Laughter

This is the moment when I realise tomorrow is an important day. Just as I'm about to log off and shut down. There's not a lot more I can do. I have my first exam tomorrow morning and all I want to do is run away and hide!! The stress factor still gets me after years and years of doing this.

I hate the unknown. I can deal with stepping out in faith, but stepping into an exam room? That's where God really does hide His face. I don't know what's on that exam paper and hazarding a guess has got me in trouble before! There are a hundred things that could be on that paper. Argh! I have to stop! Though this is not the last time I will talk about exams it is the beginning of the trek towards graduation day.

6 exams, at least 15,000 words, 36 lectures (totalling 72 hours) and a Summer ball are ahead. I have 17+ weeks of hard work to finish my degree!

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