Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The past couple of days I've felt like I'm actually being prepared to do something, to understand something that's coming my way.

For a couple of months I have been slowly coming back to reading the bible everyday, and for the last couple of days the readings and what I've been hearing through other people have been really interesting.

The CGi Women's Conference on Saturday was really powerful, I really like being able to be honest with other people who are in the same situation, who have a few extra years wisdom and can give appropriate advice.

The speakers all had something really important to say... right now I can't remember their names, but there was a lady from Cherish Uganda, who spoke about the work of the Holy Spirit in the village where she runs a community project. She was really aware of the presence of evil - like it was lurking... I've never heard someone describe evil in the way she did. It's really scary, I don't think of evil as lurking, I know something isn't quite right but from evil to be 'hiding behind a bush or something' sends chills down my spine.

We heard from the first black female Baptist president, who talked about King David and the transition of kings from Saul to David, where the community knew that the Lord had left Saul and moved to David, as soon as that happened the loyalty of the armies switched and so did the loyalty of Saul's own sons... if that's what God's power does, then I never want God to leave me.

During the afternoon stream we heard from the lead pastor at CGi Orkney, who used Titanic - a long 13 minute clip of the 3 hour movie - to describe how the church needs to get out of the cruise ship (because it eventually will sink), into the lifeboats and then looking for the lost, going back to those floating in the sea.

It was a great day, some really good times for worship. The rest of the week has been strange. I've had visions and my bible reading this morning was all about history... a whole passage dedicated to the fore fathers and prophets of the Old Testament, my vision was of a rug being woven, that although you can see the detail up close, you have to step away and see the whole pattern to appreciate the beauty of it. At the moment, I know I'm looking really closely at it... And I think I need to step back a bit. Or maybe something is going to be revealed to me soon. Hebrews 11 is a great reminder that as a Christian I've got a huge history of wisdom to draw on and a faith that is centuries old.

I don't know, but I'm excited that God has a plan for me and He's starting to give me little bits of the bigger picture.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I have (very) recently signed up for the e-mailed version of Word for Today. Today's felt like the right word in the right place for me:
...in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3
This morning I sent off a job application. It's a job I would like but one I'm pretty unlikely to get as I can't start until October but I was encouraged to apply for it anyway. I know God has a plan for me after I finish studying and am waiting in expectation for that.