Friday, March 20, 2009

Speaking Out

Once again Bible passages are speaking to me left, right and centre!

I've been reminded recently that

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

which is from Psalm 23 - the writer is talking to God thanking Him for the protection and shelter that He provides - yet in the midst of that, there's this verse, verse 5, which cuts right to the core. My take on it, after being told that I needed to read it after a particularly hard day, where it seemed that everything had gone wrong and everyone was against me, is that God has spent a lot of time finding the right food, the right bits of information for me and has created a feast in front of the people who hate me the most, those who would like to trip me up, get me angry, upset me. I know that I can be full, when my enemies are starving, if I lean on the Lord, if I trust in Him with all of my heart. I have a really big picture in my head of a table full of food, and with Easter approaching, it's quickly turning into a Passover meal. There's also another element, God has prepared a safe place for me, a feast is rarely laid out where scavengers can get to it, so I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder to protect myself and I can lay down and enjoy it. I think I'm always going to go back to this when I come across really tough situation.

The other passage that has hit me square between the eyes is

Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!

Romans 12:16

I knew that 'live in harmony' was a big thing, and I know it's all about forgiveness and listening to each other, and I try my hardest to, its the next two sentences that made me sit up and listen. A stark reminder that although I know that God loves me and sent His own Son to die for me, I certainly shouldn't act like I've got one-up on everyone nor do I know the whole history of the world and whats to come. I guess though, that the same goes for people who aren't Christian... I think the world would be a better place if some of us learnt that we need to keep find out things and that we're not top of the pile.

The fact that I'm surprised by the verses I've mentioned is a reminder to me that I'm in serious need of some learning!

1 comment:

John Cowart said...

Hi Liz,

Thanks for bringing this up. Having a safe place and learning to live in harmony--two lessons I need for today too.

John Cowart