Sunday, June 13, 2010


It's been a while since I posted, but the good news is that I have spent the time cycling! As you can see, I've tripled-and-then-some my total of last thursday.

My total for 2 weeks should be 192km, so I'm not very far off, I'll try not to have a day off this week to catch up so that I hit my target for this coming week. My time is coming down as well, I do hit a bit of a brick wall at 10km, but I'm getting through it.

Please sponsor me, if you can. My Just Giving page is just a little to the right!

I'm spreading the word and people are telling me that I look tired so I am telling them that this is the reason.

The other reason is that we are still getting used to having a dog, to the stresses and the communication that needs to happen, to the responsibilities and differences of opinion. Some times an animal will bring people together, other times it will drive them apart.

The other thing that is making me tired is hayfever.

It's a long list of things, but isn't it always that way!

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