Thursday, June 03, 2010


I've cycled 49km so far... today I'm going to do things a little different, it's going to be quite hot today, so when it gets a little colder later on, I'll do my cycle.

So far, to give you the sort of distance I'm doing, I've gone far enough to get from my house to the outskirts of Hatfield Peverel and back or from my house to jct 27 on the A12.

I still haven't been sponsored though, so my idea to get £1 for every mile I cycle is looking a little bit sad, but I'm hoping everyone will understand that I'm doing this for Stop The Traffik.

Since I spent time working in Bristol, Stop the Traffik has been a charity that I have wanted to do something for, it's taken me a while and a bit of a push...but now that I'm doing it, I really want people to give. It is a worth while cause, there's more traffiking of humans going on now than ever before, and it's being done in secret ways and with a lot of deciption. People are told that their sons and daughters or family members will be treated really well, when actaully they get their passports and identity taken away from them. It's really sad and raising money and awareness is one way of helping out.

So the quest continues, today though I have to go to the Red Cross for some first aid training.

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