Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A few things....

I've spent the last week or so just thinking! Good thinking, productive and questioning.

My first question, which has been bugging me for a good while, especially in my current situation, is where is God in your life? Now for Christian I can imagine the perfect answer being 'before me, with me and behind me, in all that a I say and do', but is this really the case. I can see in many people that God is something in the background, an after thought where 'I' comes first. In the world we live in it is difficult to say 'God and God only' - there are so many more tepmting things, friends, money, etc... It should be Bible, Church, Prayer and the Holy Spirit. I'm very blessed that I've spent a year understanding what God means to me, so I rely on him far more than some of my friends do and tend to go to him first when something is troubling me.
For non-Christians, or people of other faiths, I'm sure its a very different story, God is somewhat a mystery. Something they don't think about, something the are challenged by, something that plainly doesn't exist. What's your stance on God? I've been chatting about Alpha with some of my friends and one guy said 'I know I've got to sort my life out but....' I think God is important to him, but he's not sure how to go about finding out about Him! To everyone who reads this, what do you think God is and where should that idea fit into your life?

Secondly, Grace. My Dad and I have both read What's so amazing about grace? and he brought up a very interesting point. Does grace have a limit? If you get the chance to read the story of Ananias and Sapphira, you'll see that God was not too impressed with those two because they lied, He killed them because they lied. That was not long after Ascension Day, God was angry and he used force. What can we learn from this story? How can we learn? well the first is not to lie! And then look at the nature of God. Obviously that story is a one-off, but where are the limits of Grace? I know I lie, but I'm not dead, but I know I'm saved by Grace. Weird. Something to keep you going!

God Bless

1 comment:

Pete said...

God got real angry with them because they lied to the Holy Spirit. Don't try it at home (or anywhere else). who says it was a one-off - thats not how it was interpreted in Acts. "5:11 Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events."