Sunday, July 09, 2006

At Helen's

I've been at Helen's since thursday, having a great time!! Very tired now though, having done so much. Thursday evening was youth church, friday was dress shopping, drop-in and pathfinder camp. Now Helen in a dress is a special thing - she looked brilliant! Can't wait to find the right dress and see all of my bridesmaids in dresses! Pathfinder camp was different from anything I've ever experienced, even compared to scout camp. Proper toilets, but on the go all of the time, which is tiring. Saturday was back to normal, we went to a school fete, and had cream tea at the church. The evening was spent with Helen's family and watching Dr Who.

Now Dr Who was good, although daleks and cybermen having a long conversation? Doesn't happen! The story was good, but Rose didn't actually die, so we're going to see her again. Ummm...can't make up my mind.

Today has been church and speaking to people about who I am in relation to Helen and what I have done with my time since sidholm. I've also helped with Holy Smoke, finding out what they've been up to and what they think of being part of God's kingdom.

Tomorrow is helping create a display for the Jungle Jazz holiday club and travelling to Malvern to see Henry! Yeay! My time in Southampton has been great!!

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