Monday, April 02, 2007


Thank you for all who prayed for me over the weekend. I was at a job interview on Friday, and although I had a really good day, I didn't get the job I'd applied for. You're probably thinking I'm really disappointed, but actually I know there is a job out there that will allow my ministry to develop, I've just got to trust God.

Hence the reason for the blog being strangely quite for a few days. I was busy preparing for the interview. So now, after Palm Sunday, we are heading towards Easter and Spring Harvest.

We were at The Mix yesterday evening and as always I came away from the evening asking questions about my faith and my actions. Really challenging talk and the worship was awesome. I've never felt so calm in such a noisy place.

Keep praying for me...

Oh, and which member of the crowd are you on Palm Sunday? Are you welcoming the King with shouts of acclamation or not? At the front of the crowd, taking in everything, or at the back, not quite sure?

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