Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Jesus Deck

I highly doubt that if you're reading this you will have come across a Jesus Deck - though you might be looking for more information on it and I can tell you that after my first experience of it, I am astonished.

It was made a long time ago, but like all things that tell the truth of the Bible, it is relevant to everyone seeking. If you're looking because you'd like to know more - seek Penny Horseman, she will tell you all, or ask me and I will try to get you more information.

What is actually is - well it's a deck of 54 cards, a full pack and two jokers, that tell the 4 gospels in verses and pictures. You can use it in three ways - either laying one, three or five cards and giving the person you are doing it for to pick a card that catches their eye.

Obviously one sentence is not comprehensive training and I am going to have to spend time reading and figuring out what each card means to me. In my experience so far, God spoke really powerfully to me after the first attempt.

The question is how and when do I use it? How do I, as a young lady, use it to the best of my ability? And how to I teach the church and those around me about it?

If you've seen it, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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