Thursday, April 28, 2005

I've been travelling for 5 hours!!

Argh! I hate the underground! stupid delays! I had to wait for an hour and a half to get on a train to travel for 2 hours. I started at 4.53 and finished at 9.48! It's so insane! I'm making sure I can book my tickets next time!
I found out over the last 12 hours that I've got a place at the summer school and I'm also Fire Officer for Bredon this year, on last night ball duties and alternative worship too! Lots of stuff to do! Scary stuff, I've never been a fire and security officer before, its all going to be new to me, and I'm going to have to stop dorm raids this year! I get to have authority! I also get to look after youngest dorm, with Marina! I'm so excited, really tired, but excited! God has given me a year off, almost, He hasn't given me an opportunity to do anything with a large team since Spring Harvest last year, so I'm really really looking forward to building up the young people around me!
Right I have to go to bed!

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