Monday, January 01, 2007


Another blog. Mary is a top lady who has so much going for her. Check out her blog and Windows space here.

I'm watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the moment and will probably fall asleep some time soon. I was woken at 11.30am and told that we were going to help tidy the church after last nights party. Although we were the last people to arrive, it still took two hours to get the church back to normal! It looks good though, nice and clean. The church does need to invest in some kind of super cleaner though. Its such a large space and hoovering takes so long. Any ideas?

RIght I'm going to catch up on some sleep...

1 comment:

Pete said...

Why should the church invest - YOU are a super cleaner already! AND you're here at all the critical times for a big cleaning job.