Monday, December 06, 2004

If I...?

If I eat a chocolate and follow it with a mouthful of water am I being good or bad?
If I haven't done any of my essay but I have done my God and Evil reading, am I being good or bad? (I didn't do my reading last week but did do my essay, needless to say the lecture was really poor because no-one had done the reading)
I think I'm averaging out at the moment - I'm just about to start my essay and I have been doing a lot of reading for it because it covers a broad subject (as wide as the Atlantic ocean from a sociologists perspective). I'll do essay writing for an hour or so, then eat, do some more and then get ready for D's birthday celebrations!
And the point of this partiular blog entry, I hear you cry...I remembered where the song lyric comes from! Savage Garden - such a good band, shame Darren Hayes got a record deal all on his own!! I leave you with that thought, while I think about 19th Century Sociologists and the historical concept of Modernity.

1 comment:

Karen said...

If I...? implies that you could not do it ever!

Think about it!