Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Essays away!

"I thank my God everytime I remember you." Philippians 1 v 3

I'm in the mood to do a little bit of thanking, a lot of thanking. Take a moment and thank God for all the things He has done, in His love, which is never ending. We spend too much time moaning to God in our finite wisdom of 'we know best' - why haven't you given me this? Where is that, which I asked for a couple of weeks ago? Sorry guys, God knows best, and I try to thank Him eveytime I think of His timing. Yes I am human, but I'm a blessed human. I have my faults and weaknesses, I fall down, but I know I will be carried 'even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death' (Ps 23v4).
Everytime I am reminded of God I try to laugh, I want to become a person who says Thankyou, not please.

Ok so the real point? I'm thanking God for Dan. For the weirdness of chatting via a web cam, for the fact that my jaw hurts so much because I can't help but smile while I'm texting him and for the fact that no matter what is going on I know I can count on him to listen to me and that he can count on me. (For those of you who don't know we have kissed and he has a girlfriend, its taken me 6 weeks to realize that I can be friends with him). We've moved on, I wish I could've told him face to face, but that's impossible. I'm happy now, I can move on.

I'm going to thank God some more!

P.S. the essays are off the ground and I've told my field chair that my grandad has got cancer. He said I can get an extension if need be.

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