Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Work, what work?

Yes I know, look at the time. I've not got the energy to get off my arse and go to bed, it sucks. I'm so tired and I just want to spend tomoro doing nothing, so I think I'm going to spend half of tomorrow doing nothing. I have to do some reading for my lecture on Friday (time management is an awesome thing) and I have to do some reading for my other essays.
Aimie's dislocated her hip - or at least thats what I'm guessing - with my 20 years of (not) medical knowledge behind me. Surely common sense would say 'if your hip hurts then you've done something bad to it?' I dunno, I'm not a qualified doctor, but once my medical certificate from the Universiiy of Las Vagas comes through the post......
Sorry I'm very tired and I've been listening to Jazz music all evening - don't ask! I dunno how many people read this, but I'm feeling that it's only for my own good a the moment - if anyone feels the need to tell me they get something from this please tell me!
P.S. I'm updating my website so the next week or so is your last chance to see a picture of me that is over 4 years old - http://www.fisher-folk.co.uk click o Liz

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