Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Other religions

Well, more like, sects of Christianity who have got it wrong. Mormons, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There are loads of other names I could call them, but I think I would be hunted if I did so.
They're not a bad lot, just slightly twisted in the head really. Umm...which would you rather read - the Gospels which were written at the end of the first/second century B.C. or something that was written in the 1800's, after a vision in a field? Thankfully I've chosen the former, a trinity that exists as one and God who speaks a whole load of sense. Not three separate entities and the belief in a prophet who is still trying to bridge the gap across the ravine.
Christ is alive, God speaks and the Holy Spirit guides and I am going to burn the book I was given. God told me to do so!


Pete said...

You might need diagrams for some people to understand the ravine comment

Anonymous said...

There are other religions, not just ones Based on Judaism